Frequently asked questions

Where does ValenceSupply ship products?

We ship our products to all 50 states.

Which shipping carrier does ValenceSupply use?

For the 3-10 day delivery option, your order will be delivered by either USPS Priority Service, UPS Standard Ground Delivery, or FedEx Home Delivery. 2 day and overnight air service is provided by FedEx or UPS. We do offer LTL orders.

How does ValenceSupply calculate my shipping costs?

Ground, overnight, and 2-day delivery costs are calculated by UPS. Some items available from will incur additional shipping cost in addition to those indicated upon checkout. If your order requires additional shipping costs a ValenceSupply associate will contact you to secure authorization before proceeding with the order.

Will my order ship within 24 hours of completing the online order?

Most orders will depart our distribution center within 24 business hours of order completion. Orders which require additional shipping or freight approval will be delayed until final authorization is granted by the customer. Some items on require more than 24 hours to ship, which is indicated in the product description. ValenceSupply distribution centers are open Monday-Friday and closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and federal holidays.

Will my order arrive in one package or pallet?

It is possible that your order will arrive in multiple packages and from multiple distribution points arriving on different days. You will receive a fulfillment verification email including tracking information upon order fulfillment.

What is my shipment is damaged?

Our terms are F.O.B. Mendota Heights, MN. The responsibility for damage in transit is the carriers whether it is visible or concealed damage. Inspect your shipment immediately. Insist that visible damage be indicated on the freight bill. Open your shipment immediately and inspect for concealed damage. Take photos of damage and notify the delivering carrier immediately and follow their instructions for a claim. Valence Supply takes every precaution to ensure safe arrival, but our responsibility ceased when the shipment was handed over to the carrier. Claims for damages must be made by you as soon as possible to the carrier.

Can I pick up my order from Valence Supply in Dallas, TX?

Customer pick-up / will-call is available at our retail location at 13617 Inwood Rd, Suite 270, Dallas TX 75244. Customer pick-up / will call is available Monday – Friday, 7:00 am – 4:00 pm and Saturday 7:00am-1:00pm.